
Monday, February 1, 2010

Been a while...

So the days of blogging on Myspace are practically extinct with the whole Facebook movement and everything. And blogging on facebook or "Writing a note" as it's called is too plain and lacking of color and emotion. So I guess I'll give this Blogger thing a spin for anyone that might potentially care to listen.

I've got a few things going on right now that I could go off about. First off all, I'm in the process of recording my first official album, of sorts. The working title as of now is "Tamper the Defaults". The title came from a concept I was thinking for a song, about 2 years ago. A lot of my songwriting starts with concepts, rather than actual lyrics. "Tamper the Default" is about thinking in new ways and breaking out of the natural mentality that's so easy to fall into, and trying to gain other perspectives, without negotiating the core of what you believe.

I am going to spend the next little while working on songs and studying my recording console to try and make the process as professional as I can. With this being my first album I have about 8 years worth of material to work through and cut out. Though I'll likely be recording the vocals, guitar, piano and bass I may also have my brother in law Gregg McDermott and buddy Robert Shinkoskey lay down some guitar and bass tracks. I think it might be fun to collaborate like a lot of artists that I envy.

Aside from music I am aspiring to become a graphics/web designer. It took me a long time to figure out what I wanted to go into, so it's been sort of exciting. Here's an image I just made a couple of hours ago as well as another one with some of the working title song names.I've recently been on a Muse obsession. For those that aren't familiar with their music they're a band from the UK who is amazing. Anyhow, they recorded three parts from their last album with a symphony and the piano melody has really sunk into me the past few days. Some of the parts where there is no singing have given my minds ideas for a song I'm writing right now.

As much as I want to elaborate on that, I'll just say that if your reading this you need to let all three songs play. The third one in particular really stands out to my state of mind these last few days.


(Press play to hear music)


  1. Wow. Interesting. I think I like this background music. Best wishes with all your endeavors.

  2. Hey Ryan- love the blog. Thanks for inviting me. Good luck with your new album. I look forward to getting a copy soon!
